Welcome, I’m Amber Finnell…
my practice, Healing for Good, is the culmination of years of study, personal growth, and spiritual investigation. I specialize in quick, yet profound changes that move the client from problems and physical symptoms into solutions and success.
What I’ve learned is that for long-term, complete healing of our problems, we need to heal our stress and past trauma.
Because of this revelation I decided to become a Certified Integrative Life Coach, specializing in energy psychology modalities. I use these tool to identify energy blocks within a person then releasing them thus freeing the client of the burden of their stress and past trauma so they can more forward.
The Energy Psychology work I do focuses on looking back in a person’s life to heal them on a deeper, more profound level, in order for them to move forward into the future with a clearer landscape.
The thing that causes the stress response in the body is not just our current circumstance, but rather our memories that are encoded and stored in our bodies. Our childhood experiences and conditioning are recorded into our subconscious minds, essentially setting up our own unique maps for how the world works.
Using a light-hearted approach, I bring together physical, mental, emotional and spiritual principles and techniques to help you feel safe and supported, while clearing issues that are keeping you from being your best self.
Additionally, I make sure every client is equipped with the tools they need to continue their healing journey on an ongoing basis. These techniques have been such a blessing in my life, and it is my honor and privilege to share them with others so they may lead happier and more successful lives!
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you’ll help them to become what they are capable of becoming.” ~Goethe
A study of 17,421 people in USA has concluded there is a direct link between childhood trauma and adult onset of chronic disease, as well as mental illness, doing time in prison, and work issues, such as absenteeism. More adverse childhood experiences resulted in a higher risk of medical, mental and social problems as an adult. – ACE Study
Here you can give them an answer to the question above or you can help them choose the best path to take below based on their current situation. And you can say if they cannot decide then they should call you so you can help assist them.
Energy Psychology
Energy Psychology is an alternative to ‘Talk-Therapy’. By using a variety of effective energy healing techniques, the hidden weeds of past traumas are plucked from your subconscious freeing you from their bondage allowing you more ease to go after the life you desire.
Integrative Life Coaching
Integrative Life Coach guides you to reach goals & make changes in various areas of your life & helps you to heal while empowering you to change your life with coaching tools, techniques, & action plans working from an “Inside-Out and Outside-In” coaching model.
“The American Medical Association (AMA) states 80 percent of all health problems are stress related, and even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element.”
Client Testimonials
Cathy S., New Hampshire
“I have been so pleased with the results from my sessions with Amber. She is skilled in identifying specific issues around relationships or anxieties I may have, and in utilizing her intuition, which is always en pointe on what to focus on. She then uses the appropriate tool from her varied toolbox that results in an effective solution for the situation or issue, allowing me to identify, release and let go.”
Barbara T., New Hampshire
“I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Amber. She has helped me with physical pain and anxiety release and helped bring me to have a more stable feeling. Her ability to intuitively figure out what I needed was very helpful. I was amazed at how spot on she was. Since that time I have spent purposeful time in doing very specific healing work on myself at home and I continue to feel better every day.”
Douglas L., New Hampshire
“She put me totally at ease and created a warm and open rapport. As I’ve led a winding life’s journey and lived in many diverse geographical places, Amber was remarkably intuitive and quick to understand my deep-seated concerns. Not only did she quickly help me unravel these memories and illuminate them in new perspectives, but she also presented me with a combination of tools to heal them..”
Jason Condé,
“From the very beginning, Amber’s personality, professionalism and sense of humor won me over. By nature she emanates energy, compassion and confidence which is very comforting as a client. I felt complete trust with her, and with that, I was able reveal my inner self so she could help me find solutions. Under her guidance the process was surprisingly simple and seemingly quick for such deep-seated issues.”
Contact me for your free discovery session
“let’s Chat and see what’s right for you”
(978) 501-2750