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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Bertha Robertson

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Chad Clarke

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Iva Howard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Keith Munoz


I highly recommend Amber to anyone wanting to improve their life through EFT/FEFT. Her refined knowledge and experience has helped me cope with and resolve some serious personal issues in my life. The valuable techniques and skills you learn from Amber in a very short time will create the ability for you to live a better, fuller, more stable life. She is truly a life-changing compassionate professional.


Data Analyst, New Hampshire


When I worked with Amber today, we laughed a lot. It felt so light and easy. I didn’t dwell and sit in the bad memories. She lifted me out of them and left me with several references of ease and good feelings, not to mention replacing my bad memory with one of love and tenderness that I cherish and will always have now.

These tools really work, in the hands of someone who knows how to use them! Tapping doesn’t need to be a knee-jerk response to tackling a bad-feeling place, it can be a pleasant journey of laughter, lightness and peace.

Thank you Amber from the bottom of my heart!

~Sally S., Canada


When I first met Amber I had been in chronic back pain for going on 11 years! On my first session with Amber I could feel my pain move, and then gone! That day I worked for the first time in 11 years and it has been life-altering for not only me, but my family! Amber is wonderful and I have no words to thank her for changing my life forever!

~ Johnna M., Indiana


I have used various forms of EFT for many years in my professional practice with clients, and on myself as well. However, I wanted to take my own healing deeper and decided to work with Amber. I couldn’t help but notice how she has taken the FEFT techniques and made them her own and how amazingly well they work. She gently kept me on task and we worked through an old issue I had been stuck on for years. Working with her has also given me new insight into the methods I currently use and I would recommend Amber to anyone who wants lasting healing.

~Julie P., Maine


I was first guided to Amber by the Founder of the Holistic Self Care Center in Nashua, NH. I was immediately greeted by Amber’s contagious smile and kind eyes. She put me totally at ease and created a warm and open rapport. As I’ve led a winding life’s journey and lived in many diverse geographical places, Amber was remarkably intuitive and quick to understand my deep-seated concerns. Not only did she quickly help me unravel these memories and illuminate them in new perspectives, but she also presented me with a combination of tools to heal them. I deeply value my work with Amber, and I feel stronger and more aware of the things that were holding me back. Thanks to her, I feel better prepared and more optimistic for a much brighter future.

~ Douglas L., New Hampshire


From the very beginning, Amber’s personality, professionalism and sense of humor won me over. By nature she emanates energy, compassion and confidence which is very comforting as a client. I felt complete trust with her, and with that, I was able reveal my inner self so she could help me find solutions. Under her guidance the process was surprisingly simple and seemingly quick for such deep-seated issues. I can’t fully express my gratitude for her dedication and persistence in each and every session. As an FEFT practitioner myself, she is one of my most treasured mentors. Thank you Amber for making it look effortless.

~Jason Condé, Canada


I have been so pleased with the results from my sessions with Amber.  She is skilled in identifying specific issues around relationships or anxieties I may have, and in utilizing her intuition, which is always en pointe on what to focus on.   She then uses the appropriate tool from her varied toolbox that results in an effective solution for the situation or issue, allowing me to identify, release and let go.  I am appreciative and grateful for all of her help in getting me to let go of the anxieties and fears that I’ve accumulated around some tough emotional situations in my life.

~Cathy S.
Finance Manager, New Hampshire


Dearest Amber,

I could never thank you enough for all you did for me! You encouraged me, supported me and lifted me up through some pretty rough times! You helped me get through many ugly old times. You persist even though I resist so much. You worked your magic and helped me accomplish things that I never could have dreamed possible! You gave me tools to help me stay sane in between sessions and when my schedule and other things prevented a session, you went out of your way, way above and beyond the call of duty to help me with my particular needs in the best way for me. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!!!!

M. Scheiner
Teacher, Michigan


I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Amber. She has helped me with physical pain and anxiety release and helped bring me to have a more stable feeling. Her ability to intuitively figure out what I needed was very helpful. I was amazed at how spot on she was. Since that time I have spent purposeful time in doing very specific healing work on myself at home and I continue to feel better every day. I can see how she and her talents are a key piece of education for myself and for my family. I sincerely recommend her to many people because I want to see others heal the way I have been given the opportunity to heal. Thank you sincerely Amber!

~Barbara T., New Hampshire

Amber can empower you with a variety of different tools to help you achieve your goals.  It is like getting a pair of prescription glasses after you have suffered with poor vision all of your life, and seeing clearly for the first time.  It is so freeing to clear out a lifetime of guilt.   It is like spring cleaning for your heart. 

~T. M., New Hampshire